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2024 Job Seeker Survey
The Department of Labor wants your help to figure out how to better align worker skills to business needs and to better meet the needs of today’s job seekers.
This survey is for those looking for work (e.g. unemployed, underemployed, looking for a new job, etc.) to allow the state to better target resources and help businesses to better understand the needs of job seekers. Any answers you give in this survey will be anonymous and will NOT impact your UI benefits.

This survey will close on April 30 at 5PM
It is estimated this survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.
Special thanks to the New York State AFL-CIO for their partnership in crafting this survey
Click here to be taken to the survey

2024 Business Workforce Survey
For the last three years, The Business Council has teamed up with the New York State Department of Labor and Empire State Development to survey thousands of businesses on their challenges and needs. We are now also partnering with the New York Association of Training and Employment Professionals.
The state has then worked to address these through new and revised processes, programs and initiatives. The survey results continue to shape workforce development practices and policy from the P-12 system to higher education and among training providers across New York State.
This year, we are again partnering to gather real-time feedback on the state of the workforce and the needs of businesses in 2024! This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

This survey will close on April 30 at 5PM
Click here to be taken to the survey.

NOTE: Collective results from this survey will be used by the State and the Regional Economic Development Councils to develop an inventory of and strategy to address regional needs. Individual responses will be kept confidential.

For more information on Workforce Development Boards and on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) visit www.doleta.gov.
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